Technical Description Draft

Earbuds are in great demand in today’s market. As new music is being released, so are new earbuds to provide the best output in someone’s ears. Some people buy them for their quality in terms of bass, noise isolation, repairs and portability and others buy them for looks. The most popular device currently are the Airpods, manufactured by the tech giant Apple. Today, Apple products seem to be the status symbol, especially among the youth. They tend to buy any new products as soon as they are released. That added with wireless earbuds that play music make a great combination. …

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Memo Draft

Quiah Industries To: The NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority From: Raynor Quiah, C.E.O. Subject: Fare evasion prevention Date: October 12, 2020 The purpose of this memo is to discuss fare evasion by people in NYC transit system which is devastating for it. It loses a significant amount of revenue due to it. The memo will also introduce possible prevention methods. Summary: In NYC, people will find 100 ways to get past the turnstile before paying for the ride. It is an extremely prevalent issue which has not been properly prevented. The lack of proper prevention has cost the MTA millions of …

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Lab Report Draft

Health and Wealth during a Pandemic                                            Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed our daily live and routines by isolating us from the rest of society, having devastating impact on mental and physical health. For my research, I used a survey to ask my fellow students and related adults about changes in their daily routines such as sleep schedule, eating habits, exercise, health and overall emotional feelings. The results have shown drastic changes which indicate anxiety or preliminary stages of depression. It is more than likely that it is caused by isolation and boredom and also the increasing burden …

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Engineering Proposal Final

Date: December 15,2020                                     To: The state of New York and Professor Otte                                     From: Raynor Quiah, student at CCNY                                     Subject: Proposal for solving the NY ventilator shortage                                                                     Purpose The purpose of this proposal is to gain permission to construct ventilators to solve the ventilator crisis in NY due to COVID-19. NY is running out of time and the chances of people dying are increasing. Our only hope is to mass produce these machines at a faster rate.                                                                    Summary Professor Otte asked us to make a proposal of an engineering innovation that would benefit NYC. …

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Journal #10

I have finished my Engineering Proposal and submitted it on time. I also finished my Self- Assessment and designing the portfolio. Since this is the last journal, I will write about this class. This class makes me look forward to what the future holds for me in college. I am glad I took this class with Professor Otte.

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Journal #9

I started working on my final portfolio. I created new categories for each of the assignments I was instructed to include. An incomplete version will be submitted today to be peer evaluated. I require outside criticism to make it even better for the professor to look through. I am also working on my final assessment which will be completed by next Wednesday most likely.

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Self -Assessment

As the semester comes to an end, I want to go over everything I have accomplished in Writing for Engineering. This includes the assignments, learning objectives and my perception on the evolution of the purpose of writing. Professor Otte assigned us four assignments of the utmost importance. They are the Technical Description, Memo (group assignment), Lab Report and Engineering Proposal. These assignments helped me prepare for the future as an engineering student.             If we look at everything in general, I used a lot of resources to provide a solid base for my works. Everything I wrote for the assignments …

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Proposal topic

My topic is about  our healthcare system having many flaws. I would propose a method which can try to make sure more people can have access to treatment for a cheaper cost. As we have seen during the peak of the pandemic, the state was running short on ventilators . I have found many articles about engineers talking about this.  Manufacturing a ventilator is difficult, especially during a pandemic, when supply lines are unreliable. Different designs negotiate different bargains between cost and functionality. Also, it is very invasive when used used on a patient. What I have found is that we need to keep the device as …

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Lab Report

Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has completely changed our daily live and routines by isolating us from the rest of society, having devastating impact on mental and physical health. For my research, I used a survey to ask my fellow students and related adults about changes in their daily routines such as sleep schedule, eating habits, exercise, health and overall emotional feelings. The results have shown drastic changes which indicate anxiety or preliminary stages of depression. It is more than likely that it is caused by isolation and boredom and the increasing burden of financial issues. Introduction To say the least, …

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MRA Industries To: The NYC Metropolitan Transit Authority From: Mateo Hyatsu, C.E.O Raynor Quiah, C.F.O Ahmad Arif, Director Subject: Fare evasion prevention Date: October 20, 2020 The purpose of this memo is to discuss fare evasion by people in NYC transit system which is devastating for it. It loses a significant amount of revenue due to it. The memo will also introduce possible prevention methods. The MTA continually increases the amount of money that a traveler must pay in order to use public transportation, which ultimately leads to more people evading the fare. This memo will also demonstrate ways in …

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